
Silky and fluffy, this 70% Mohair and 30% Nylon yarn is perfect for pops of color and texture when held double with another yarn. It can also be used on its own to create an airy textured garment with a halo. This is very popular in weaving and knitting.


$ 20.00

Rep On Ice Kit

$ 45.00
Einstein - 2 oz - Specimen 514

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00

Einstein - 2 oz - Specim...

$ 20.00