Virtual Public Knitoxication 2020
UPDATE: This event raised over $3300 for a number of different causes, of that $1500 was donated to the NFC Momentum Fund.
We are proud to bring you a very special edited version of the live stream from this year's Virtual Public Knitoxication!
Instead of the in person event we have held the past two years, this year we brought together some of our great friends and fellow vendors for an online virtual day of knitting (and crochet), wine, snacks, yarn and fiber shopping; all from the comfort and safety of your own home.
This live-stream was recorded on Saturday, June 20, 2020 from Noon until 6:00 PM Eastern (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Pacific) and it features some of our vendors as well as special guests.
We were proud to be able to have Cecilia Nelson-Hurst start the day off with a conversation about diversity, inclusion and anti-racism and the fiber community. Unfortunately, our speaking agreement did not allow for re-broadcasting of her content, so we've removed this segment and added summary slides with resources for viewers to follow up on their own.
The following are the links shown in the program:
Unconscious/Hidden Bias Resources:
Recommended Reading:
- So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo
- How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi
- Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Everyday Bias - Howard J. Ross
- White Fragility - Robin DiAngelo
- Me and White Supremacy - Layla F. Saad
- Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? - Beverly Danial Tatum
- Inclusion - Jennifer Brown
Recommended Viewing:
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - The Danger of a Single Story
- Proctor & Gamble - The Talk
- Proctor & Gamble - The Look
The timeline for the live stream is:
- Start - Welcome (Keynote Presentation by Cecilia Nelson-Hurt replaced with slides as noted above)
- 0:02:50 - Solitude Wool
- 0:21:00 - AT Haynes House Yarns
- 0:37:05 - Passion Knits Yarn
- 0:51:20 - Urban Girl Yarns
- 1:05:37 - Avalon Springs Farm
- 1:22:50 - Flying Goat Farm
- 1:36:05 - Three Ravens Studio
- 1:51:11 - Double 8 Alpaca Ranch
- 2:06:00 - KKarida Collins (From Neighborhood Fiber Company) talking about the new NFC Moment Fund (NFC Momentum Fund Go Fund Me Page or NFC Momentum Fund Direct Donation)
- 2:37:40 - Wild Hare Fiber Studio
- 2:53:10 - Shelli Can
- 3:07:15 - Feederbrook Farm
- 3:22:50 - Shirsty Cat Designs
- 3:36:50 - Dancing Leaf Farm
- 3:51:00 - Bad Wolf Girl Studios - Etsy Shop & Ravelry Shop
- 4:07:10 - Oink Pigments
- 4:22:25 - Bead Biz
- 4:37:22 - The Fiberists & Wrap Up
Some additional vendors who participated in this event but did not participate in the live stream include: